8 c. cucumbers; rough chopped
4 c. onions; diced
2 c. green bell pepper; diced
2 c. red bell pepper; diced
1/2 c. canning & pickling salt
7 c. sugar
4 c. cider vinegar
2 Tblsp. celery seed
2 Tblsp. mustard seed
Sterilize pint size jars, seals and bands. Keep hot until ready to use.
In a large stainless steel bowl (or two -- divide mixture in half) combine cucumbers, onion, bell peppers and salt. Stir to mix well. Cover completely with ice. Stir to incorporate ice into mixture. Then add in another layer of ice so that mix is completely covered. Allow to sit for 2 hours. Drain and rinse thoroughly; making sure to press out as much liquid as possible. You want this to be very dry.
In a large stockpot combine sugar, vinegar and spices. Bring to a full boil. Add in cucumber mixture. Lower heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
Ladle hot relish into hot jars. Leave 1/4" headspace. Wipe rims clean then seal. Tighten bands to fingertip tight. Do not over tighten. Process jars in a water bath canner for 10 minutes. Remember, your timing starts after the water has come to a full rolling boil. Using jar tongs, remove jars from canner and allow to cool. Listen for the ping sound to let you know your jars have sealed completely.
Click HERE for printable recipe

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